Looking for Free Software?

It has been said that you get what you pay for.  But there are times when people have paid a lot of money for software and then suddenly it is offered for free.

Why?  It is no longer being supported or sold.  Or a limited version has been created for free downloads.

Well, this is one of those rare times when you can download for FREEthe full unlimited version of several popular programs that many of us have paid for in the past.

Want to build a website?  Download Miscrosoft’s Expression Web for free at http://www.microsoft.com/expression/

Need to create or change graphics.  Gimp is free but now you can download Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Photoshop Elements, and a number of other Adobe programs for FREE.  Just go to http://www.adobe.com/downloads/cs2_downloads/index.html  click on the blue download link for whichever program you desire.  Versions for Mac and Windows are available.

Now don’t ever say that I didn’t give you anything for FREE!

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