Creating a Profitable Gift Business Without Spending a Fortune

About You and Me

This website is is all about helping YOU start and grow your business to success. That’s why it’s called the Success Express!

You are here to learn and I am here to help.  I spent the last 30 years creating and building my own gift business.  You can see it at ShopCreativeGifts  That wasn't my first business, however.  I've published a statewide newspaper and was a multi-million dollar Realtor.  So I know a bit about marketing and growing a business.



All too often, new business owners come on strong when they start. They spend lots of time and money telling people all about their new venture.  But then they run out of ideas and slow down.  They sit by the phone waiting for it to ring, all the while wondering why people have forgotten about them.

Getting people to pay attention to your business takes more than money. Yes, it takes even more than time.

It takes a willingness to think past the obvious and explore the unique and different.  
We pride ourselves on being creative with our products.  
We must be equally creative with our marketing.

Standing out in a sea of businesses boasting similar offerings can be difficult, which is why entrepreneurs need to strive to differentiate themselves and their products or services from the competition.

If you are in the planning or beginning stages, then  begin reading about how to start a gift basket business and then return here for more information, ideas, and tips.

All About Starting and Growing Your Gift Business

But for those of you who already have one, you’ll find lots of creative ideas about the gift basket industry and marketing by reading the following articles.

Share Your Creativity – March 2018 issue

You’re creative or you wouldn’t be in this industry. You share your creativity with your customers. Now, I am hoping that you will share it with your peers. I would …

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Two Kinds of Business Owners

There are two kinds of business owners. Which are you? There are two kinds of business owners in this world. Those who make excuses. And those who don’t. The ones …

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Not Your Traditional Gift Basket

With all the competition in the gift basket industry, customers are looking for value and something different when making  a purchase more than ever before.  Sending a gift is still …

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The Face in the Mirror or What Did You Learn Today?

Remember that girl called Goldilocks? And how she broke into the house of the Three Bears? And how she ate their porridge, sat in their chairs, and slept on their …

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Ideas to Promote Your Business in March

March  is full of opportunities to use content to promote your company and its products. Content marketing is the act of creating, publishing, and distributing content  with the express goal of …

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Buy a Franchise or Start Your Own Business?

Why an Indie Business? I heard on public radio a few days ago that defaults on SBA guaranteed loans to franchisees rose more than 50% last year.  One in 10 franchises closed …

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Marketing Tip for You to Use

The simplest, least expensive and most personalized insert you can add to customer packages is a handwritten thank-you card. A simple card, can be a really thoughtful gesture, that can help build …

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Business Models – Which Should You Choose?

The  wonderful thing about the gift basket industry is that there is no wrong way and no right way to create and grow your business. Creativity and uniqueness is what …

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Don’t be Fooled – Anyone can be anyone they want to be on the internet

I just received an email from a member of our forum questioning something sent her by an online organization  which said that she had been a member of that group …

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Your Website – Gift Business Owners

Your Website View It With Fresh Eyes The beginning of the year, when things are quieter, is a good time to take another look at your website and decide if …

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Starting a Business – Financial Steps

Financial Steps for Starting Your Business Once you make the decision to start your business,  one of the most important next steps is getting your financial strategies in place. There …

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Do You Have a Marketing Calendar?

Do You Have a Marketing Calendar? Habits are built as a result of repetition. The philosopher Aristotle said many hundreds of years ago that “we are what we repeatedly do.” …

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Mistakes made by business owners

The 10 Biggest Marketing Mistakes Made by Business Owners Regardless of what you sell, each and every one of us is in the marketing business.  The failure or success  of …

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Does your business need a website?

Does Your Business Need a Website? I’ve heard many business owners say they think they “should” get a website.  They’re not quite sure how to get one or what they …

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One can be lonely

Many of us started our business feeling isolated and like a lone wolf. We had an idea and knew that it was something we wanted to grow into more than …

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The One-Page Business Plan

Introducing a New Series Just for You! We’ve been publishing our magazine GifBasketBusinessInsider since 2010.  As a result, we have pages and pages of valuable information that you can not access …

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Thinking of Upgrading to Windows 10

I keep getting popups on the computer that I bought last year loaded with Windows 7 that I can get Windows 10 installed for free.  I’ve always resisted them because …

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Are you telling your story?

In the fall of 1933, while attending a party at her sorority, the vivacious young Lucile Salter was introduced to David Packard. But David wasn’t at the party as a …

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Are You Marching in the Parade

Are You Marching in the Parade? While watching the Parade of Lights during the holidays here in Flagstaff, I was reminded of something I read a long time ago. It …

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What Did You Learn Today

Remember that girl called Goldilocks? And how she broke into the house of the Three Bears? And how she ate their porridge, sat in their chairs, and slept on their …

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Should You Incorporate?

A question that I am frequently asked by those either starting or growing a business is:  “Should I incorporate?”  The next question is:  “What is the difference between the different …

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Coaches, Money Goals and Baloney

I am being bombarded by emails from so called “business and life coaches” who think they know something about both. They keep telling me that I need to set my …

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Make 2016 Your Best Year Ever

ARE YOU READY FOR 2016? By today, you know if you have a viable business or not. In the Facebook groups, many of you have reported late nights and lots …

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Fraud Alert – Protect Yourself

As a gift basket business, you should be interested in this latest fraud scam reported in Oklahoma City:                         …

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Is Your Website Holding You Back?

If you are doing any kind of business on the internet, it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends that will make a difference as to whether you …

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The Payoff is worth it!

I want to share with you something that a very smart man posted on Facebook last night and another very smart lady added her own words to: If you hate …

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Occasionally, I share a post that I made in the past and update it because it is still so timely.  This is one of those.  As I read it this …

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Ten Traits for Successful Entrepreneurs

Way back in March 2010, we published the very first issue of our magazine.  Back then, it was called “Gift Entrepreneurs.”   We thought that was a great name for …

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The Most Important Hat of All!

How many business hats are you currently wearing? If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you work long hours and wear many different hats. You pile one hat upon the other. There …

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A very disturbing discovery — or I made a mistake

A notice that I received on Facebook last week was incredibly disturbing to me. It made me stop and think about how the latest and greatest social media and marketing …

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There are No Guarantees

Are you thinking of starting a gift basket business?  How about adding a new product line to your existing business? Or stepping out and starting something that is entirely new …

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74 Years of Learning and Growing

I shared this post on my personal blog, but since all of you don’t read that one, I thought I would also share it with you. Seventy four years ago …

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Writing Product Descriptions that Sell

One of the biggest problems that companies with e-commerce sites has is writing descriptions that sell.  People go to your website, look at a photo and bland description and leave. …

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Internet Sales Tax Bill

I’m careful to separate my political opinions from my business but when a political decision affects our business, I share it. Legislation in Congress that would allow states to collect …

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Evolution of a business from Good to Great

The gift and gift basket industry is constantly evolving.  Unless we want to be left behind, we must take the risk and evolve as well. Just think of how gift …

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Business is a Game

Being an entrepreneur is no fun by yourself. Get out your Monopoly game board, pick your favorite game piece and roll the dice. What did you get? What difference does …

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